Baruch College left you the following instructions:

Who you are thanking: Baruch Donors

Say “Thank You” in your own personal way to our donors.

Required Video Content
  • State your first name, last name, and class year
  • What are you thankful for on this Paws and Give Thanks Day? What has made your Baruch experience special?
  • As a student, you are a personal embodiment of their investment. Please, do all that you can to ensure that they feel good about their investment in Baruch and in you as a student.
Video Tips

If using a cell phone:
  1. The phone should be horizontal/landscape.
  2. The phone should be held stable on stand, rather than hand held if possible.
General Best Practices:
  1. Try to get the camera at eye level, use a stand or books to raise the computer/phone.
  2. Record your video in an area that is well-lit, not backlit (like in front of a window) and free of background noise 
  3. Clean, uncluttered backgrounds work best (again with no major light source behind you)
  4. Look directly into the camera when speaking.
  5. Wait a moment before speaking after you start recording, and wait a moment after speaking before you stop recording.
  6.  Ideally, videos should be about a minute to a minute and a half long.
  7. Smile! 😊 

If you're satisfied with your recording, click Submit Video below.

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